Made in New York
- 10 Speed Labs
- 1938 News
- 20×200
- 2findLocal
- 345 Design
- 3rd Ward
- 680 Partners LLC
- 89 Second Productions
- 8coupons
- 9mmedia
- A022 Digital
- ABLE Social
- AC Lion
- Acadaca
- Acceleron Digital
- ACE Portal Group
- Acquaintable
- AD60
- Adafruit Industries
- Adaptly
- Adcade
- AdKeeper
- adMarketplace
- Adore Me
- AdRadar
- ADstruc
- AdTheorent
- Aggregift
- Agon Creative
- Agorafy
- AHALife
- Alchemy50
- Alexandria Center
- Align
- Alley Interactive
- AlleyNYC
- Allmenus
- AlphaBoost
- ALTANOVA Energy+Sustainability
- Altruik
- AlumniChoose
- Amicus
- Ammirati
- Animoto
- Antarctic Creative
- AppAddictive
- Appboy, Inc.
- Appetizer Mobile LLC
- AppFirst
- AppLaunch
- Applico
- AppNexus
- AppOrchard
- appssavvy
- Appy Couple
- Arc90
- ArchetypeMe
- Arkadium
- ArtCycle
- ArtistUpgrade
- Artsicle
- Artspace
- Artsy
- ArxSocial
- Atavist
- Atlantic Metro
- Audiobrain
- Audioms
- Augmate
- Auxiliary Design Company
- Avalanche Studios
- Avec
- Aviary
- AxialMarket
- Balance Media, LLC
- Bar & Club Stats
- BarkBox
- BaubleBar
- bContext
- BeenVerified
- Behance
- Berlin Cameron
- Bespoke Post
- BestVendor
- Betabeat
- Betaworks
- Betterfly
- Betterment
- Big Fuel Communications
- Big Human
- Big Spaceship
- BigTwist
- BioDigital
- Birchbox
- BiteHunter Corporation
- BitInstant LLC
- Bitly
- BitMapNYC
- Bizbash Media
- Bizodo
- blacbocs
- Black Lapel
- Black Ocean
- BlankSlate
- Blenderbox
- Blip
- Blood, Sweat & Cheers
- Bloomberg
- Blue Fountain Media
- Blue Label Labs
- Blue Phoenix Media
- Blue Ridge Foundation
- Bluum
- Bonobos
- Bookish
- Boomset
- BOX Creative
- Boxee
- Brainscape
- Branch
- BRANDmini
- Brandt Works Inc.
- Brightline
- bring10
- Broadcastr
- Brooklyn Creative League
- Brooklyn Digital Foundry
- Brooklyn United
- BrunchCritic
- Buddy Media
- Bug Labs
- Building Link
- Built by the Factory
- Bundle
- Bunker New York
- Bureau Blank
- Business Insider
- BusinessReel
- BustedTees
- BuyFolio
- BuzzFeed
- BuzzTable
- Byte Dept.
- ByteFly, Inc.
- Bytemark
- C-vibes
- C3 Metrics
- CabCorner LLC
- Campfire
- Canvas
- Capture Your Flag
- Car Part Kings
- Caravan Interactive
- CarePlanners
- Carrot Creative
- Case Commons
- Catchafire
- Chalkable
- ChallengePost
- charity: water
- charitybuzz
- ChartBeat
- Cheapism
- CheetahMail
- Chloe + Isabel
- Cinchcast
- CityMaps
- CityPockets
- Clothes Horse
- Coalition for Queens
- Codecademy
- Collective[i]
- CommonBond
- Conductor, Inc
- Control Group
- CourseHorse
- Craft Coffee
- Crisp Media
- Crowdscore Labs Inc
- Crowdtap
- Curbed
- Dash
- Datadog
- Datalot
- DataVelocity
- DateMySchool
- Daylife
- DealSurf
- Dear Seven
- Designer Pages
- Digital Ocean
- DJ Booth
- Docracy
- Doormates, Inc.
- dotbox
- Dropmark
- DugDug
- DUMBO Startup Lab
- DynamicOxygen
- Easy Pairings
- Elite Daily
- EnergyHub
- Enertiv
- Enfatica
- Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator
- Estimize
- Etsy
- Event Now
- Everyone’s Mixtape
- Evidon
- EXPO Communications
- EZTexting
- F & T Creative
- Fab
- FaithStreet
- Fancy Hands
- Fashism
- Fathom
- fave Central
- Feengo
- Felt Tip Inc.
- FiftyThree
- Find Your Lobster
- Findings
- Fine Print NYC
- Fitango
- Fitocracy
- Flavorpill
- Float
- Flocabulary
- Fog Creek
- Foursquare
- FranchiseHelp
- Freelancers Union
- FreshDirect
- Freshplanet
- FriendsEAT
- Fueled
- Gallerama
- GameChanger
- Games for Change
- General Assembly
- GetGlue
- gfreely
- Gift Hit
- Gilt
- Goldbely
- Grade Spotter
- GramercyOne
- Greatist
- Group Commerce
- Grouper
- GroupMe
- Grovo
- GrowHack
- Gust
- H.Bloom
- Happy
- Hara Partners
- Harvest
- HD Made
- HealthiNation
- Honest Buildings
- HookLogic
- HopStop
- Host Committee, Inc
- Hotlist
- Hourly
- Hunch
- Huntsy
- IceHook Systems
- Icon Deposit
- Ideeli
- IDT Partners
- Immersive Labs
- Indaba Music
- Ingk Labs
- Integral Ad Science
- Intent Media
- INTRO Labs
- Jingle Punks Music
- JMT Apps
- Jun Group
- Jux
- Kaltura
- Kapitall
- Kaptur
- Kapture
- Kargo
- Kikin
- Kiwi Interactive
- Kleverbeast
- Knewton
- Knodes
- Know Your Meme
- Kohort
- Kollabora
- Kounterattack
- Krate
- Large Animal Games
- Leadmotion
- Lean Startup Machine
- LearnVest
- Lenses RX
- Lifebooker
- littleBits
- LiveIntent
- LivePerson
- Livestream
- Local Bigwig
- Local Projects
- Local Response
- LocalVox Media
- Logicworks
- Lore
- Lot18
- Madison Logic
- Magnetic
- Magnify
- MakerBot Industries
- Marathon Consulting
- Market Publique
- Marquee Media
- Mashable
- Mazel Moments
- Media6Degrees
- mediabistro
- Medialets
- MediaMath
- Medtel
- MeeGenius, Inc
- Meetup
- MileWise
- Mimeo
- Mindbug
- Minus
- Mirror
- Mixel
- MLB Advanced Media, L.P.
- Mobile Commons
- Mobile Universal
- MongoDB
- Moonit
- Movable Ink
- Moveline
- Mr. Youth
- Muck Rack
- MyBankTracker
- MyBillRegistry
- MyCityWay
- MyFreeConcert
- Naked Apartments
- Neighborhoodr
- Nerve
- Nest New York
- Nestio
- Netlan Technology Center
- Netmining
- Netted
- NetX
- Neuronic Games
- Never Liked It Anyway
- Neverware
- New Work City
- New York Digital Design
- New York eHealth
- New York Technology Council
- New York Startup Lab
- NewlyWish
- NewsBlur
- NewsLook
- Next Big Sound
- Next Jump
- NextCustomer
- Nexxite
- Night Agency
- Night Owl Interactive
- Nimbo
- Nirvana Solutions
- nLytics
- Nodejitsu
- Noise
- Nomad Editions
- Inc.
- Noodle
- Noom
- NoSQL Weekly
- NowThis News
- nrelate
- numberFire
- nuOctave, Inc.
- NY Convergence
- NY Tech Meetup
- NYC Digital
- NYC Media Lab
- NYC Resistor
- nylmedia
- NYTechWomen
- NYU Polytech Incubator – DUMBO
- NYU Polytech Incubator – Varick Street
- Oberon Media
- oddcast
- Odyl
- Of a Kind
- OfferPop
- Oh My! Me Studios
- OK Cupid
- OKFocus
- OK Venue
- Olapic
- Omegapoint Inc.
- Omnigon Communications
- On Deck Capital
- OnCom Digital Media
- One Art World
- One Clipboard
- One Hundred Robots
- One Nine Studios
- OneBeat
- Onepager
- OnePublic
- OneWire
- OnSwipe
- Ontodia
- ooVoo
- OpenFin
- OpenGeo
- OpenPlans
- OpenSky
- Operative Media
- Opt-Intelligence Inc.
- Optimize New York
- OrangeYouGlad
- OrderGroove
- Organic Motion
- Organized Wisdom
- Originet
- Oyster
- Panelfly
- Paperless Post
- Paperlex
- PaperTrail
- Paperwhite Studio
- Park Hudson International
- Partnership for New York City Fund
- Patch
- Patentory
- Patron Technology
- PayPerks
- PC Dudes
- Peek
- PeekYou
- Peer39
- Peeriscope
- Penguin Digital
- Pensa
- PercentMobile
- Percepted
- Percolate
- Perka
- Permission Data
- Personal Democracy Forum
- Phase Four Media
- PhotoShelter
- Phreesia
- PickiPicki
- Pictorious
- Piictu
- Pipture
- Pixable
- Pixafy
- Pixelittle
- PlaceIQ, Inc.
- Playground Group
- Playground Sessions
- pledge4good, LLC
- Plethora Mobile
- Plyfe
- Pond5
- Pontiflex
- Portable
- Poshly
- Post Road HQ
- Postable
- PostHelpers
- Postling
- POV (The American Documentary Inc.)
- Powerhead Games
- Powhow Inc.
- Pradux
- Prehype
- Pricetag
- Pricing Engine
- PrivCo
- Profitably
- Project Aurora Games
- Project Noah
- Projective Space
- Projeqt
- Prolific Interactive
- Promediacorp
- Pronto
- ProperCloth
- ProPublica
- Proust
- PublicStuff
- PublicTrades
- PulsePoint
- Punch!
- Punkle
- PureWow
- Purpose
- Pushkart
- QFive
- QLabs
- Quantum Networks
- Quartz
- Quincy
- Quirky
- Qwiki
- R/GA
- Radio Tag
- Rainbow Broadband Inc
- Rallyverse
- Rap Genius
- Raygun
- Rayogram
- Readability
- ReadSocial
- Real Capital Analytics
- RealDirect
- Reboot
- Reclip.It
- reComparison
- RecordSetter
- Recyclebank
- Red Antler
- Red Baron Technologies
- Red Paper Heart
- Red Rover
- Refined Hype
- Refinery29
- Remedy Systems
- Rent the Runway
- Rentenna
- RentHackr
- RentHop
- RentShare Inc
- Reputation Observer
- Resolute Digital
- ResponsiveAds
- RetailMLS
- Revenue Trades
- RevTrax
- Rewind.Me
- Ride the City
- RightsFlow
- Rip Road
- Rivalation
- RobustLinks
- RocketHub
- Ronik
- RoomHints
- Routehappy
- Rozilo Inc
- RubbishBooks
- Sailthru
- salido
- SamStella, LLC
- Sanborn Media Factory, Inc.
- SankyNet
- Sarkissian Mason
- Sawhorse
- SayForExample, Inc
- Scanbuy
- scenyc, inc.
- Schoology
- Sciplay, a wholly owned subsidiary of Scientific Games
- Scratch Interactive
- ScrollMotion
- sdbase
- Seamless
- Seamless Receipts
- SeatGeek
- SecondMarket
- Secret Clubhouse, LLC
- SeedInvest, LLC
- Select Office Suites
- Selectable Media
- Send Word Now
- Sense Networks
- Shairporter
- Shapeways
- She’s the First
- aka SheFinds media
- Sherpaa
- SheSpeaks
- Shift
- Shodogg
- Shootmap
- ShopKeep POS
- Shopmine
- Shopography
- Shoptiques
- Shorefire Media
- Shorty Awards
- ShowMe
- ShowMeLocal Inc.
- Shutterstock
- SideTour
- Sideways Inc.
- Signpost
- SimpleReach
- SimpleTexting
- SimplyEngage
- Simulmedia
- SinglePlatform
- Sinu
- Situation Interactive
- Skillcrush
- Skillshare
- Slader
- Slated
- Small Media Extra Large
- Small Planet Digital
- Smallknot
- SmartAsset
- Smartling
- Smith & Keller
- SnagFilms
- SNAP Interactive
- SnapGoods
- Snooth Media
- Social Amp
- Social Fresh
- Social Media Link
- Social Media Today
- Social Studies
- Socialbomb
- SocialFlow
- SocialGuide
- Socialistic
- Socialitical
- SocialQ
- Sociocast
- Solidoodle
- Something Digital
- Sonar
- Songtrust
- Songza
- SortPrice
- Source4Style
- SpaFinder
- Spark Rebel
- Speakaboos
- Special Applied Intelligence
- Spling
- Sponsor Hub
- Sponsored Ads, Inc.
- Sportsvite
- Spotflux
- Spotfront
- SpotlessCity
- Springbase Media
- Squarespace
- Squeaky Wheel Media
- St. James Partners
- Stack Exchange
- Stackpop
- Startup Giraffe
- StarVest Partners
- State University of NY Downstate Medical Center Incubator
- Stealth Communications
- STELLAService
- Sterling Kane
- stoopid jupiter
- Storyville
- Stray Boots
- StreetEasy
- StructuredWeb
- Studio Akko LLC
- Studio Mercury
- Studio One
- Style Coalition
- Style for Hire
- StyleCaster
- Stylitics
- Sub Rosa
- Suddenlee
- Sulia
- SumAll
- SumZero
- Sunshine Suites
- Superglued
- Supertouch
- Svpply
- Swaag
- Sway Design
- Swayspace
- Swell
- Swiss Commerce
- Tactic
- TagMan
- Take the Interview
- Take-Two Interactive
- Tapad
- TapEdition
- Tapfame
- TapFury
- Targeted Social
- TargetSpot, Inc.
- Tasklite / CPS Creative
- TaskStream
- TasteSavant
- Tattly
- TechSpace
- Ted
- Tekserve
- Temboo
- Templar Studios
- Tenlegs
- Tenthwave
- TeuxDeux
- Textingly
- the {c}0dEd subsidiary of 140 Ventures
- The Atavist
- The Barbarian Group
- The Birdy Inc
- The Bosco
- The Chapter Media
- The Daily Beast
- The Digital Brand Architects
- The Flatiron School
- The Front Labs
- The Game Agency
- The Good Karma
- The Harmony Institute
- The Hired Guns
- The Icon Deposit
- The JAR Group
- The Lascaux Company
- The Levo League
- The Mechanism
- The Meta Agency
- The Metropolitan Exchange
- The Mindriot
- The Orchard
- The Smack Pack
- The Stashbox
- The Strategy Dept.
- The SuperTouch Group
- The Unlimited Magazine
- The Webby Awards
- The Yard
- TheLadders
- Therefore Productions
- TheStreet
- ThinkBinder
- ThinkEco
- Third Wave Fashion
- This is Pop
- Three Ring
- Thrillist
- Thumb
- Thumbscribes
- TickPick
- Timehop
- Tiny Mantis
- Tip or Skip
- Tipping Point Partners
- Tivity
- Togather
- Tomorrow Networks
- Topi
- TopMBACOnnect
- Totsy, Inc.
- TouchGraph
- Toura
- Tracks
- TradeCard
- Transparensee
- Travel Tripper
- Travora Media
- Tremor Video
- Trendabl
- Tribeca Digital
- TripleLift
- Trusted Insight
- tumbleweed
- Tumblr
- TuneCore, Inc.
- TuneSat
- TurboVote
- TurnTo Networks
- Tutonic, LLC
- Tutorspree
- TwitrPix
- TxtImpact
- Tykoon
- Type/Code
- Überangst
- UberTags
- Umami
- Uncharted Play
- Uncommon Goods
- Under 30 CEO
- Undercurrent
- Underground Eats
- Unified Field
- Unigo
- Uniworld Group Inc.
- Unpakt
- Updater
- UPlanMe
- UpSurge Media Group LLC
- Upworthy
- Urban Cargo
- Urban Compass
- Urban Daddy
- Urban Green Energy
- Urtak
- US Insurance
- Usablenet
- USL Technology Consulting
- Varick Media Management
- VaynerMedia
- Vector Media Group
- Vedanta Capital
- Velocidi
- Venmo
- VenueBook
- Vidaao Inc
- Vimbly
- Vimeo
- Vindico
- Visual Goodness
- Visual Revenue
- Vivastream
- Vixely
- Vook
- Voxy
- VPV Interactive
- VYou
- WaitAway
- Wakefield
- Wanderfly
- Warby Parker
- Warshaw Group
- Watch It
- Watchitoo
- Web Development Group NYC
- Webline Designs, Inc.
- WebMediaBrands
- WebThriftStore
- WeCreateNYC
- Weduplay Inc.
- Well + Good
- Wendr
- WeWork
- Winfield & Co.
- Winito Athletics
- Wiredset / Trendrr
- Wishbeans
- Work Market
- Worldwide Biggies
- Worry Free Labs
- Worstofall Design
- Wurku
- Wynter Consulting Group, LLC
- Xaxis
- xCubicle
- Xtify
- YAP Trackers
- Yapp
- YCharts
- YellowHammer Media
- Yext
- Yipit
- Yodle
- Yog
- YouAreTV
- YouGift
- Zazoom LLC
- Zeel
- Zelkova Ventuers
- ZenCat Productions
- Zignage LLC
- Zipmark, Inc
- ZocDoc
- 10Gen
- 10 Speed Labs
- 1938 News
- 20×200
- 2findLocal
- 345 Design
- 3rd Ward
- 680 Partners LLC
- 89 Second Productions
- 8coupons
- 9mmedia
- A022 Digital
- ABLE Social
- AC Lion
- Acadaca
- Acceleron Digital
- ACE Portal Group
- Acquaintable
- AD60
- Adafruit Industries
- Adaptly
- Adcade
- AdKeeper
- adMarketplace
- Adore Me
- AdRadar
- ADstruc
- AdTheorent
- Aggregift
- Agon Creative
- Agorafy
- AHALife
- Alchemy50
- Alexandria Center
- Align
- Alley Interactive
- AlleyNYC
- Allmenus
- AlphaBoost
- ALTANOVA Energy+Sustainability
- Altruik
- AlumniChoose
- Amicus
- Ammirati
- Animoto
- Antarctic Creative
- AppAddictive
- Appboy, Inc.
- Appetizer Mobile LLC
- AppFirst
- AppLaunch
- Applico
- AppNexus
- AppOrchard
- appssavvy
- Appy Couple
- Arc90
- ArchetypeMe
- Arkadium
- ArtCycle
- ArtistUpgrade
- Artsicle
- Artspace
- Artsy
- ArxSocial
- Atavist
- Atlantic Metro
- Audiobrain
- Audioms
- Augmate
- Auxiliary Design Company
- Avalanche Studios
- Avec
- Aviary
- AxialMarket
- Balance Media, LLC
- Bar & Club Stats
- BarkBox
- BaubleBar
- bContext
- BeenVerified
- Behance
- Berlin Cameron
- Bespoke Post
- BestVendor
- Betabeat
- Betaworks
- Betterfly
- Betterment
- Big Fuel Communications
- Big Human
- Big Spaceship
- BigTwist
- BioDigital
- Birchbox
- BiteHunter Corporation
- BitInstant LLC
- Bitly
- BitMapNYC
- Bizbash Media
- Bizodo
- blacbocs
- Black Lapel
- Black Ocean
- BlankSlate
- Blenderbox
- Blip
- Blood, Sweat & Cheers
- Bloomberg
- Blue Fountain Media
- Blue Label Labs
- Blue Phoenix Media
- Blue Ridge Foundation
- Bluum
- Bonobos
- Bookish
- Boomset
- BOX Creative
- Boxee
- Brainscape
- Branch
- BRANDmini
- Brandt Works Inc.
- Brightline
- bring10
- Broadcastr
- Brooklyn Creative League
- Brooklyn Digital Foundry
- Brooklyn United
- BrunchCritic
- Buddy Media
- Bug Labs
- Building Link
- Built by the Factory
- Bundle
- Bunker New York
- Bureau Blank
- Business Insider
- BusinessReel
- BustedTees
- BuyFolio
- BuzzFeed
- BuzzTable
- Byte Dept.
- ByteFly, Inc.
- Bytemark
- C-vibes
- C3 Metrics
- CabCorner LLC
- Campfire
- Canvas
- Capture Your Flag
- Car Part Kings
- Caravan Interactive
- CarePlanners
- Carrot Creative
- Case Commons
- Catchafire
- Chalkable
- ChallengePost
- charity: water
- charitybuzz
- ChartBeat
- Cheapism
- CheetahMail
- Chloe + Isabel
- Cinchcast
- CityMaps
- CityPockets
- Clothes Horse
- Coalition for Queens
- Codecademy
- Collective[i]
- CommonBond
- Conductor, Inc
- Control Group
- CourseHorse
- Craft Coffee
- Crisp Media
- Crowdscore Labs Inc
- Crowdtap
- Curbed
- Dash
- Datadog
- Datalot
- DataVelocity
- DateMySchool
- Daylife
- DealSurf
- Dear Seven
- Designer Pages
- Digital Ocean
- DJ Booth
- Docracy
- Doormates, Inc.
- dotbox
- Dropmark
- DugDug
- DUMBO Startup Lab
- DynamicOxygen
- Easy Pairings
- Elite Daily
- EnergyHub
- Enertiv
- Enfatica
- Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator
- Estimize
- Etsy
- Event Now
- Everyone’s Mixtape
- Evidon
- EXPO Communications
- EZTexting
- F & T Creative
- Fab
- FaithStreet
- Fancy Hands
- Fashism
- Fathom
- fave Central
- Feengo
- Felt Tip Inc.
- FiftyThree
- Find Your Lobster
- Findings
- Fine Print NYC
- Fitango
- Fitocracy
- Flavorpill
- Float
- Flocabulary
- Fog Creek
- Foursquare
- FranchiseHelp
- Freelancers Union
- FreshDirect
- Freshplanet
- FriendsEAT
- Fueled
- Gallerama
- GameChanger
- Games for Change
- General Assembly
- GetGlue
- gfreely
- Gift Hit
- Gilt
- Goldbely
- Grade Spotter
- GramercyOne
- Greatist
- Group Commerce
- Grouper
- GroupMe
- Grovo
- GrowHack
- Gust
- H.Bloom
- Happy
- Hara Partners
- Harvest
- HD Made
- HealthiNation
- Honest Buildings
- HookLogic
- HopStop
- Host Committee, Inc
- Hotlist
- Hourly
- Hunch
- Huntsy
- IceHook Systems
- Icon Deposit
- Ideeli
- IDT Partners
- Immersive Labs
- Indaba Music
- Ingk Labs
- Integral Ad Science
- Intent Media
- INTRO Labs
- Jingle Punks Music
- JMT Apps
- Jun Group
- Jux
- Kaltura
- Kapitall
- Kaptur
- Kapture
- Kargo
- Kikin
- Kiwi Interactive
- Kleverbeast
- Knewton
- Knodes
- Know Your Meme
- Kohort
- Kollabora
- Kounterattack
- Krate
- Large Animal Games
- Leadmotion
- Lean Startup Machine
- LearnVest
- Lenses RX
- Lifebooker
- littleBits
- LiveIntent
- LivePerson
- Livestream
- Local Bigwig
- Local Projects
- Local Response
- LocalVox Media
- Logicworks
- Lore
- Lot18
- Madison Logic
- Magnetic
- Magnify
- MakerBot Industries
- Marathon Consulting
- Market Publique
- Marquee Media
- Mashable
- Mazel Moments
- Media6Degrees
- mediabistro
- Medialets
- MediaMath
- Medtel
- MeeGenius, Inc
- Meetup
- MileWise
- Mimeo
- Mindbug
- Minus
- Mirror
- Mixel
- MLB Advanced Media, L.P.
- Mobile Commons
- Mobile Universal
- MongoDB
- Moonit
- Movable Ink
- Moveline
- Mr. Youth
- Muck Rack
- MyBankTracker
- MyBillRegistry
- MyCityWay
- MyFreeConcert
- Naked Apartments
- Neighborhoodr
- Nerve
- Nest New York
- Nestio
- Netlan Technology Center
- Netmining
- Netted
- NetX
- Neuronic Games
- Never Liked It Anyway
- Neverware
- New Work City
- New York Digital Design
- New York eHealth
- New York Technology Council
- New York Startup Lab
- NewlyWish
- NewsBlur
- NewsLook
- Next Big Sound
- Next Jump
- NextCustomer
- Nexxite
- Night Agency
- Night Owl Interactive
- Nimbo
- Nirvana Solutions
- nLytics
- Nodejitsu
- Noise
- Nomad Editions
- Inc.
- Noodle
- Noom
- NoSQL Weekly
- NowThis News
- nrelate
- numberFire
- nuOctave, Inc.
- NY Convergence
- NY Tech Meetup
- NYC Digital
- NYC Media Lab
- NYC Resistor
- nylmedia
- NYTechWomen
- NYU Polytech Incubator – DUMBO
- NYU Polytech Incubator – Varick Street
- Oberon Media
- oddcast
- Odyl
- Of a Kind
- OfferPop
- Oh My! Me Studios
- OK Cupid
- OKFocus
- OK Venue
- Olapic
- Omegapoint Inc.
- Omnigon Communications
- On Deck Capital
- OnCom Digital Media
- One Art World
- One Clipboard
- One Hundred Robots
- One Nine Studios
- OneBeat
- Onepager
- OnePublic
- OneWire
- OnSwipe
- Ontodia
- ooVoo
- OpenFin
- OpenGeo
- OpenPlans
- OpenSky
- Operative Media
- Opt-Intelligence Inc.
- Optimize New York
- OrangeYouGlad
- OrderGroove
- Organic Motion
- Organized Wisdom
- Originet
- Oyster
- Panelfly
- Paperless Post
- Paperlex
- PaperTrail
- Paperwhite Studio
- Park Hudson International
- Partnership for New York City Fund
- Patch
- Patentory
- Patron Technology
- PayPerks
- PC Dudes
- Peek
- PeekYou
- Peer39
- Peeriscope
- Penguin Digital
- Pensa
- PercentMobile
- Percepted
- Percolate
- Perka
- Permission Data
- Personal Democracy Forum
- Phase Four Media
- PhotoShelter
- Phreesia
- PickiPicki
- Pictorious
- Piictu
- Pipture
- Pixable
- Pixafy
- Pixelittle
- PlaceIQ, Inc.
- Playground Group
- Playground Sessions
- pledge4good, LLC
- Plethora Mobile
- Plyfe
- Pond5
- Pontiflex
- Portable
- Poshly
- Post Road HQ
- Postable
- PostHelpers
- Postling
- POV (The American Documentary Inc.)
- Powerhead Games
- Powhow Inc.
- Pradux
- Prehype
- Pricetag
- Pricing Engine
- PrivCo
- Profitably
- Project Aurora Games
- Project Noah
- Projective Space
- Projeqt
- Prolific Interactive
- Promediacorp
- Pronto
- ProperCloth
- ProPublica
- Proust
- PublicStuff
- PublicTrades
- PulsePoint
- Punch!
- Punkle
- PureWow
- Purpose
- Pushkart
- QFive
- QLabs
- Quantum Networks
- Quartz
- Quincy
- Quirky
- Qwiki
- R/GA
- Radio Tag
- Rainbow Broadband Inc
- Rallyverse
- Rap Genius
- Raygun
- Rayogram
- Readability
- ReadSocial
- Real Capital Analytics
- RealDirect
- Reboot
- Reclip.It
- reComparison
- RecordSetter
- Recyclebank
- Red Antler
- Red Baron Technologies
- Red Paper Heart
- Red Rover
- Refined Hype
- Refinery29
- Remedy Systems
- Rent the Runway
- Rentenna
- RentHackr
- RentHop
- RentShare Inc
- Reputation Observer
- Resolute Digital
- ResponsiveAds
- RetailMLS
- Revenue Trades
- RevTrax
- Rewind.Me
- Ride the City
- RightsFlow
- Rip Road
- Rivalation
- RobustLinks
- RocketHub
- Ronik
- RoomHints
- Routehappy
- Rozilo Inc
- RubbishBooks
- Sailthru
- salido
- SamStella, LLC
- Sanborn Media Factory, Inc.
- SankyNet
- Sarkissian Mason
- Sawhorse
- SayForExample, Inc
- Scanbuy
- scenyc, inc.
- Schoology
- Sciplay, a wholly owned subsidiary of Scientific Games
- Scratch Interactive
- ScrollMotion
- sdbase
- Seamless
- Seamless Receipts
- SeatGeek
- SecondMarket
- Secret Clubhouse, LLC
- SeedInvest, LLC
- Select Office Suites
- Selectable Media
- Send Word Now
- Sense Networks
- Shairporter
- Shapeways
- She’s the First
- aka SheFinds media
- Sherpaa
- SheSpeaks
- Shift
- Shodogg
- Shootmap
- ShopKeep POS
- Shopmine
- Shopography
- Shoptiques
- Shorefire Media
- Shorty Awards
- ShowMe
- ShowMeLocal Inc.
- Shutterstock
- SideTour
- Sideways Inc.
- Signpost
- SimpleReach
- SimpleTexting
- SimplyEngage
- Simulmedia
- SinglePlatform
- Sinu
- Situation Interactive
- Skillcrush
- Skillshare
- Slader
- Slated
- Small Media Extra Large
- Small Planet Digital
- Smallknot
- SmartAsset
- Smartling
- Smith & Keller
- SnagFilms
- SNAP Interactive
- SnapGoods
- Snooth Media
- Social Amp
- Social Fresh
- Social Media Link
- Social Media Today
- Social Studies
- Socialbomb
- SocialFlow
- SocialGuide
- Socialistic
- Socialitical
- SocialQ
- Sociocast
- Solidoodle
- Something Digital
- Sonar
- Songtrust
- Songza
- SortPrice
- Source4Style
- SpaFinder
- Spark Rebel
- Speakaboos
- Special Applied Intelligence
- Spling
- Sponsor Hub
- Sponsored Ads, Inc.
- Sportsvite
- Spotflux
- Spotfront
- SpotlessCity
- Springbase Media
- Squarespace
- Squeaky Wheel Media
- St. James Partners
- Stack Exchange
- Stackpop
- Startup Giraffe
- StarVest Partners
- State University of NY Downstate Medical Center Incubator
- Stealth Communications
- STELLAService
- Sterling Kane
- stoopid jupiter
- Storyville
- Stray Boots
- StreetEasy
- StructuredWeb
- Studio Akko LLC
- Studio Mercury
- Studio One
- Style Coalition
- Style for Hire
- StyleCaster
- Stylitics
- Sub Rosa
- Suddenlee
- Sulia
- SumAll
- SumZero
- Sunshine Suites
- Superglued
- Supertouch
- Svpply
- Swaag
- Sway Design
- Swayspace
- Swell
- Swiss Commerce
- Tactic
- TagMan
- Take the Interview
- Take-Two Interactive
- Tapad
- TapEdition
- Tapfame
- TapFury
- Targeted Social
- TargetSpot, Inc.
- Tasklite / CPS Creative
- TaskStream
- TasteSavant
- Tattly
- TechSpace
- Ted
- Tekserve
- Temboo
- Templar Studios
- Tenlegs
- Tenthwave
- TeuxDeux
- Textingly
- the {c}0dEd subsidiary of 140 Ventures
- The Atavist
- The Barbarian Group
- The Birdy Inc
- The Bosco
- The Chapter Media
- The Daily Beast
- The Digital Brand Architects
- The Flatiron School
- The Front Labs
- The Game Agency
- The Good Karma
- The Harmony Institute
- The Hired Guns
- The Icon Deposit
- The JAR Group
- The Lascaux Company
- The Levo League
- The Mechanism
- The Meta Agency
- The Metropolitan Exchange
- The Mindriot
- The Orchard
- The Smack Pack
- The Stashbox
- The Strategy Dept.
- The SuperTouch Group
- The Unlimited Magazine
- The Webby Awards
- The Yard
- TheLadders
- Therefore Productions
- TheStreet
- ThinkBinder
- ThinkEco
- Third Wave Fashion
- This is Pop
- Three Ring
- Thrillist
- Thumb
- Thumbscribes
- TickPick
- Timehop
- Tiny Mantis
- Tip or Skip
- Tipping Point Partners
- Tivity
- Togather
- Tomorrow Networks
- Topi
- TopMBACOnnect
- Totsy, Inc.
- TouchGraph
- Toura
- Tracks
- TradeCard
- Transparensee
- Travel Tripper
- Travora Media
- Tremor Video
- Trendabl
- Tribeca Digital
- TripleLift
- Trusted Insight
- tumbleweed
- Tumblr
- TuneCore, Inc.
- TuneSat
- TurboVote
- TurnTo Networks
- Tutonic, LLC
- Tutorspree
- TwitrPix
- TxtImpact
- Tykoon
- Type/Code
- Überangst
- UberTags
- Umami
- Uncharted Play
- Uncommon Goods
- Under 30 CEO
- Undercurrent
- Underground Eats
- Unified Field
- Unigo
- Uniworld Group Inc.
- Unpakt
- Updater
- UPlanMe
- UpSurge Media Group LLC
- Upworthy
- Urban Cargo
- Urban Compass
- Urban Daddy
- Urban Green Energy
- Urtak
- US Insurance
- Usablenet
- USL Technology Consulting
- Varick Media Management
- VaynerMedia
- Vector Media Group
- Vedanta Capital
- Velocidi
- Venmo
- VenueBook
- Vidaao Inc
- Vimbly
- Vimeo
- Vindico
- Visual Goodness
- Visual Revenue
- Vivastream
- Vixely
- Vook
- Voxy
- VPV Interactive
- VYou
- WaitAway
- Wakefield
- Wanderfly
- Warby Parker
- Warshaw Group
- Watch It
- Watchitoo
- Web Development Group NYC
- Webline Designs, Inc.
- WebMediaBrands
- WebThriftStore
- WeCreateNYC
- Weduplay Inc.
- Well + Good
- Wendr
- WeWork
- Winfield & Co.
- Winito Athletics
- Wiredset / Trendrr
- Wishbeans
- Work Market
- Worldwide Biggies
- Worry Free Labs
- Worstofall Design
- Wurku
- Wynter Consulting Group, LLC
- Xaxis
- xCubicle
- Xtify
- YAP Trackers
- Yapp
- YCharts
- YellowHammer Media
- Yext
- Yipit
- Yodle
- Yog
- YouAreTV
- YouGift
- Zazoom LLC
- Zeel
- Zelkova Ventuers
- ZenCat Productions
- Zignage LLC
- Zipmark, Inc
- ZocDoc