Calling all fans of urban renewal projects who might be suffering from High Line anticipation withdrawal! New York reveals plans for a proposed underground park called the "Low Line" in the Lower East Side. Thought up by satellite engineer turned architect James Ramsey, PopTech exec Dan Barasch and money manager R. Boykin Curry IV, it's essentially a plan to convert an unused trolley terminal on Delancey Street into an underground park, illuminated by "remote skylights" which is "a system that channels sunlight along fiber-optic cables, filtering out harmful ultraviolet and infrared light but keeping the wavelengths used in photosynthesis." Ramsey goes on to say “Technology enables us to create an appealing green space in an underserved neighborhood...We’re channeling sunlight the way they did in ancient Egyptian tombs, but in a supermodern way.” Well then. We are very excited, although some of the renderings do resemble a mall-like atmosphere. The plan faces its first obstacle this Wednesday when Community Board 3 takes a look at the plan. Of course, we'll keep you up to date on what could just very well be a new obsession.