WNYC Inside New York's Lost Subway System: Abandoned Stations & Unbuilt Lines

Check out the interactive infographic on the WNYC Website and the corresponding article, or listen to WNYC's story here:

Here's the current subway map overlaid with eleven subway lines that were planned but never built. Cursoring over the map will bold the unbuilt lines, revealing a vision of an extensive New York transit system lost to expediencies like tightened budgets and the need to upgrade the first generation of lines.

The map also shows seven stations or platforms that were built and later put out of service. That includes the South 4th Street station in Williamsburg, which was constructed as an underground concrete shell but not opened. These stations are highlighted with thick lines around them.

Cursor over the abandoned stations and unbuilt lines to make a text box appear with information about each one.

    via WNYC