Times Square from ClickZ Live NYC #CZLNY #CZLNY2016

ClickZ is one of the premiere digital marketing summits in the world, and I was lucky enough to attend in NYC this year on behalf of Elegran.com.  At the forefront of online visibility, search is changing, yet links and content are still king. 

While the world wide web moves from our desks to our phones, mobile experience becomes crucial.  Somewhat counterintuitively, as computing power and the human capacity for data transfer increases exponentially, the trend towards mobile fundamentally requires less bits and less code rendered to the end user. 

Finally, from Panda to Penguin to Hummingbird to RankBrain, Google is getting smarter, and while there are still ways to game the system, content creators' long term strategy is only safe if the focus is on value, rather than hacking SEO.