Trulia just launched another interactive map today, comparing the average home price, duration on the market, and reduction period for sales by zipcode across the US. Using the folks from Trulia's recent acquisition of Movity, they are empowering consumers to find the best deals, or greatest price reductions in the area. See below for the New York City metropolitan area.
See below for the article from the Trulia Blog.
Trulia’s Home Offer Report & Interactive Map Reveals Where Homebuyers Can Find Deep Discounts Across America
Today, Trulia launched its Home Offer Report to help give homebuyers and sellers the upper hand – whether they’re making an offer or putting their home on the market.
This brand new quarterly report and interactive price reductions map offers ZIP-code level insights on when the first price reduction occurs in your neighborhood, where the reductions are happening and how deep the reductions are. Click on the map below to learn about the price reductions happening in your neighborhood:
Check out this slide show for the full Q1 2011 report findings:
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