Map of New York City Police Stops -

Stop, Question and Frisk in New York Neighborhoods

New York City’s police force, in its fight against crime, has increasingly used a strategy known as “stop, question and frisk,” which allows officers to stop someone based on a reasonable suspicion of crime. One expert has estimated New Yorkers are stopped at twice the national rate. The impact on crime is much debated, and critics contend disproportionate stopping of minorities is a result of racial profiling, which police officials dispute. Related Article »

Map of New York City Police Stops

By the Numbers
The number of stops has increased to nearly 600,000 in a year.
Intense Policing
Residents of some parts of the city feel the police presence much more acutely than others. Although frequency of stops is roughly commensurate with the crime rate over broad areas, the police presence in some places is disproportionate.
Who Gets Stopped
Mostly young, mostly minorities. More than 90 percent are male.